Home Tech Updates Top general delivers leadership message to St. Mike’s grads

Top general delivers leadership message to St. Mike’s grads


College Graduation season leadership  goes into excessive general equipment throughout the region delivers 


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford spoke Sunday at the St. Michael’s College commencement on management.

It’s been forty years on account that General Joseph Dunford graduated from St. Michael’s College. He says a lot has been modified on campus; however, the average spirit has remained equal.

“The aspect that I remember the maximum of all has been a number of the school participants — some of the workforces that helped me alongside the way. And there were some precise testimonies about those who gave me a lift once I probably wished a boost, and especially, that is the form of what you don’t forget — the faculty, personnel, and your pals,” stated General Joseph Dunford.

Dunford went on to have a protracted navy career within the United States Marine Corps. Since 2015 he has been the nation’s highest rating navy officer as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Sunday, the 4-superstar well known delivered the graduation address for the Class of 2017. Leadership was a lasting message.

“What I’ve learned over my 40 years of serving in uniform is that first-rate leaders are in reality ordinary women and men who make a dedication to excellence,” General Dunford said. “Leaders are men and women who dig down deep and do what is proper even if there may be a voice interior of them that announces take the easy manner.”

Security at St. Mike’s tightened for Dunford’s arrival on campus. Along with the university’s public protection officers, local and state police monitored rooms and checked bags at the entrances. Doors were locked once the occasion started.

Over 400 college students– in conjunction with buddies and their own family– stuffed the Ross Sports Center for the occasion. General Dunford turned into one among numerous humans offered honorary ranges via the college. Graduates, faculty, and guests collected after the graduation to take pictures. Many took the possibility to fulfill General Dunford.

“The general–he did such a great task. He saved us in order that captivated the complete time. He had such great matters to mention. He mentioned that he couldn’t pay attention to his speaker, and I changed into like he is doing so well. I turned into so into it the complete time. He changed into brilliant, and we had been so lucky to have had him to come back,” stated Molly Roush, a St. Michael’s College Graduate.

And as the students now say goodbye to the college, General Dunford advised them to cognizance their futures on serving others. “I assume it is essential which you realize that it is no longer about you anymore. Up till this point, it turned into about your grades, your popularity on the crew, and whatever else that may be, and while you go away right here, I think it is about different people,” he stated.

We are getting prepared for the subsequent step toward success with the recommendation from a national chief.

Customer Feedback That Delivers “Ah-Ha” Moments to Construction Industry Firms


The first thing that comes to mind when most people think of customer feedback is a customer survey. While an check-box study will give you data, it’s not the right approach for a company that manages only a few (or a few dozen) meaningful relationships per year.

Checkbox surveys are designed to produce findings that are easy to analyze. Unfortunately, people hate surveys. It can happen that the customers with the most useful insights aren’t the ones who’ll complete a check-box survey.

For most construction-related companies, a few customers determine how successful your company will be this year. Therefore, it’s much smarter to reach out to important customers one-on-one. You want to learn how they view you and your competitive landscape. You also want to know what their current business priorities are.

To make this kind of initiative more successful, don’t reach out to everyone all at once and ask everyone the same set of questions. Instead, narrow your scope:

  • decide what you want to know,
  • be clear about why you want to know it, and
  • determine who the best contacts are to help you amass information you can use.

Even when the focus is narrow, planning a series of customer feedback interviews can quickly become overwhelming. Members of the senior team might not find the time to complete the initiative. And if you assign the project to someone who is too junior, your customers might not fully engage. When this kind of project is executed internally, it’s best to approach it in small bites. However, when time is of the essence, you can outsource customer feedback interviews to someone you trust with your customers.

What can you expect to learn? Let’s look at what a general contractor, a sub, and a supplier learned from their customers.

One general contractor reached out to three customer groups to amass three distinct bodies of knowledge.

  • Loyal customers are experts at what’s so great about you. The general contractor’s loyal customers were able to help the GC articulate the company’s competitive advantages. They also offered feedback about the company’s people and operations.
  • Dormant customers know why they haven’t contacted you in recent years. When asked, the GC’s dormant customers addressed nuanced subjects such as competitiveness and match.
  • “Perennial prospects” know you but haven’t yet chosen you. During their customer feedback project, this general contractor’s perennial prospects each spelled out what the general will have to do to displace incumbent GCs.

This could easily have been three separate projects.

In another example, a subcontractor was looking ahead to developing a five-year strategic plan. The ownership team knew it would be wise to let customer opinions influence their priorities. What they wanted was an assessment of how they were regarded by the general contractors and owners who represented 40% of their prior year’s revenue. Were the relationships secure? What was the lingering impact of the occasional odd incident? Were customers in favor of changes the sub was considering?