Home Internet World News NY attorney general investigating Manafort’s real estate deals

NY attorney general investigating Manafort’s real estate deals


New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is investigating the real deals property offers of Paul Manafort, who briefly attorney served as President Trump’s marketing campaign manager, Bloomberg News pronounced Sunday.

The investigation is inside the early ranges, and a source informed the information outlet. Bloomberg said that Cyrus Vance Jr., the Manhattan district attorney, is also beginning research into Manafort’s dealings.

Representatives from the AG and DA workplaces declined to comment to Bloomberg.

“If a person’s leaking facts about an investigation, that’s against the law,” Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Manafort, instructed Bloomberg.

A document on Friday said the Justice Department had requested Manafort’s financial institution records as it conducts a federal probe into ability ties among the Trump marketing campaign body of workers members and Russia.

Manafort’s price range was beneath scrutiny in the latest months. In March, the Treasury Department received info of Manafort’s overseas financial transactions as part of a federal anti-corruption investigation.

Manafort stepped down in August as Trump’s marketing campaign supervisor amid controversy over his paintings for former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

What You Need to Know About Investigating Workplace Accidents and Implementing Corrective Action


Accidents cause some destruction. No one wants to have accidents. However, when one occurs, we must learn how to prevent future occurrences. The idea is to find the root cause of the accident and implement corrective action so that the accident will not happen again.

The first step towards investigating an accident is to confirm that such an incident has taken place. For this, you must need a transparent and efficient accident reporting written procedure.

Information Needed for Accident Investigation

For a successful accident investigation, the following information must be obtained: Who is injured? Where or when did the injury occur? What is the type of injury? What part of the body is affected by the damage? What object, substance, exposure, or bodily motion inflicted or contributed to the injury? How did the injured person come in contact with the source of damage? What hazardous condition or circumstance caused or permitted the occurrence? Where is the hazard source? Once the investigation concludes, the next vital step is to implement proper corrective actions without delay.

Corrective Actions to be taken after an Accident

After an accident has occurred, you will need to do everything within your power to see that it doesn’t re-occur. You will need to develop procedures to promptly correct deficiencies and act on recommendations resulting from your accident investigations. The accident investigation form should hold suggested corrective action and what action was taken and when. A tracking system should be devised to make specific corrective actions are taken on time. Also, disciplinary measures should be examined, after a time, to ensure that they are effective.

Steps in Safety Performance Enforcement

You are required to explain the methods by which you will ensure that employees comply with your safety rules and work practices. Your program will only be effective if all employees and managers are held accountable for their responsibilities and safety performance. To achieve this, develop a straightforward procedure that explains: Who will be responsible for disciplinary actions? What will disciplinary measures be taken? And where will disciplinary records be maintained?

Be sure that the “punishment is apt for the criminal act.” It may not be appropriate to take progressive disciplinary action where severe infractions have occurred. Use your discretion, but be sure that your policy is clear, that all employees understand it, and uniformly enforced.

Mistakes To Avoid While Choosing A DUI Attorney


You have just had a good night with your friends at the bar, and you are driving back home in high spirits. When you thought that you were experiencing one of the best days in your life, something terrible happened! You get caught by the police who frame a DUI (Driving under Influence) against you. To make matters worse, your vehicle is confiscated, and you are asked to pay a hefty fine so that you can come out free. So, how do you tackle this case? You need a professional DUI attorney to bail you out of the charges framed against you and to reduce the severity of your punishment.

When you are charged in a drunk-driving case, only your lawyer can save you from this disgrace. Hence, it is only natural that you should spend considerable time choosing the right person as your guide. A slight mistake here can complicate matters further for you than they already are. Ensure that you don’t make the following three mistakes while hiring a DUI attorney to defend your case.

Choosing an inexperienced attorney

When you are involved in DUI or DWI (Driving when intoxicated) case, you need an expert attorney by your side to guide you through the process and present your case powerfully at the court so that your fines are reduced, and you get back your license quickly. Only an experienced attorney will be able to analyze your case better, get your jail sentence reduced or removed, and prepare facts in your favor so that your bail plea is presented convincingly. Never choose an inexperienced or new DUI attorney just because they are or have been recommended by your friend.