Home Wordpress Mega Tech Event WordPress in city on June 24, 25 at Chitnavis...

Mega Tech Event WordPress in city on June 24, 25 at Chitnavis Center


Nagpur: A Mega Tech Event prepared by using WordPress team Automattic is being held in Nagpur on June 24 and 25 at Chitnavis Center. WordPress is a CMS which allows humans to create websites. The 2-day occasion will see plenty of technical stuff being mentioned from global elegance audio system and lots of possibilities to meet WordPress and website design companies from across India and global.

How Retail Call Center Services Can Improve Their Customer Service Experience


Satisfied customers will not just come back to you but also recommend you; when they are appeased with what you are offering, they recommend you to acquaintances thus becoming a walking advertisement. This is the reason why customer satisfaction should be the topmost priority for every business. If you are a business owner then you should necessarily implement the changes that can aid in boosting the customer satisfaction rate. One of the best ways to enhance your business’s customer satisfaction rate is outsourcing the customer support process. Call center vendors are equipped to diligently handle this process and they sure can help your business grow by leaps and bounds.

Call Center Services For Retail Business

Businesses in the retail industry deal with huge call volumes and they need a support process that is both tenacious and proactive. This is the reason why today most of the successful businesses in the retail industry rely on outsourcing service providers. Call center outsourcing service providers have a knack on the customer support needs of businesses in industries like retail. With customer service as their core competency, they are armed to offer services that are lucrative and growth-oriented. In case, you have not outsourced the customer support process of your business than following are few factors that might convince you to do so:

• Call center vendors hold experience and expertise in the customer service domain. So, they sure are qualified to handle your business process; their expertise in the domain helps them in delivering services that do not just meet but exceed your expectations.

• Availing call center service is certainly more economical in comparison to setting up and running an in-house process. The equipment and infrastructure required for the process along with the manpower investment will affect the overall profit generated by your business; so, outsourcing this process is certainly a great idea.
• By outsourcing your customer support process, you can rest assured that each contact with the customer will be lucrative. Call center vendors that have high first call resolution scores along with an effective client engagement model are equipped to provide agile assistance to your valuable customers.

There are many more benefits of outsourcing your customer support process and you should certainly consider doing so. However, before outsourcing this process, it is suggested to make sure that your vendor is credible and holds a considerable amount of experience in handling the customer support process of retail businesses.

Is It Worth Hiring A WordPress Consultant?


When it comes to hiring someone for a WordPress related job, it really depends who you think is the right person for the job. You can hire a freelancer, a WordPress agency, a decent developer or a WordPress consultant. But not all situations demand a WordPress consultant. Similarly, not all tasks can be accomplished by a freelancer.

It depends on a lot of things.

Nature of Work

For simple tasks like newsletter integration or customization of a theme, you can approach a decent freelancer or a developer.

If you need a custom WordPress website for your business, you definitely need to approach either an agency or a competent WordPress developer.

If you are a small, medium-sized or large business house, you need more than just a custom website solution. You need a well-behaved website, successful online presence, SEO optimized site, and conversion rate optimization. You will need to run various advertising campaigns.

This involves the discovery, planning, implementation, and deployment. A Consultant is the right person for this kind of job (period).

A WordPress Consultant will start with assessing the needs of a website for the business/company, will work out a plan and discuss the possible solutions. He will take the reins in his hands to deliver a site that takes your business to the next level. The focus of a WordPress Consultant is on delivering the site that generates revenue and drives sales.


You can hire a freelancer at a very low rate. You can find a freelancer to happily work for you for as low as $5 per hr. The problem is, freelancers, experiment at the cost of your website. Many of my clients have shared their horrible stories of working with the freelancers. Some of them worth mentioning are:

The work delivered was not as per the expectations.
After the deadline was over, freelancer informed that he was not competent enough to provide the solution.
I have to approach the freelancer every now and then to get the site fixed. My website breaks with every WordPress / plugin update.

So basically working with cheap freelancers come at its own cost.

Hiring a decent WordPress developer, the one who has an established identity, is a better option than going for a freelancer. They charge somewhere in the range of $25 – $100 on an hourly basis.

WordPress agencies and WordPress consultants are on the higher end. They charge for the value and the quality they offer. Their charges generally vary depending on the kind of project requirements you have.
If you are a business house, it’s better to hire a WordPress consultant. This will save you a lot of pain for a little extra price.

Work Relationship

For a one time job or a set list of tasks, it is generally a good idea to find a suitable freelancer / developer. The working relationship ends with the end of the project.

The project which involves delivering a custom WordPress website also is a one time job.

But in the case of business houses, they need someone to work with them on an ongoing basis. Website maintenance, performance tuning, caching, page speed, landing page optimization, conversion rate optimization, search engine optimization, digital marketing, email marketing… a business website needs all this. Hiring a WordPress web development agency or an always a plus for long term relationship. They make sure that your business is in safe hands.

Enterprise and Priorities

If you are just beginning, you will try to save every single penny and opt to build a WordPress website all by yourself or may be asking a friend to create one for you.

With time you realize that it is not an easy job to maintain an online presence for your business. It needs a lot of technical expertise and expert advice to run the show. That is the time when you really need a WordPress Consultant… a game changer!

Looking to hire a WordPress wizard? Check out my portfolio here and get in touch for WordPress development and customization services.

The Difference Between Mega and Micro Chiroptera



The term “Chiroptera” is derived from the Greek word “hand-wing” in reference to a bat’s webbed hand-like wings. Chiroptera is the scientific classification of bats. There are thousands of bat species all over the world, but all species can fall under one of two main categories of the bat, Micro-Chiroptera and Mega-Chiroptera; colloquially referred to as microbats and megabats. Although related species, these two types are quite different. Continue reading to learn the difference between Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera, and some interesting facts about them as well!


Megabats, or Megachiroptera, are also known as fruit bats. This is because, unlike micros, Megas primarily eat fruit, the nectars of fruit, or the pollen of flowers and plant-life; like Eucalyptus or fig trees. This diet is the reason why they have such an important ecological role. They assist in the pollination of plants and flowers, as well as, seed dispersal through their droppings, which double as a fantastic fertilizer.

The most common and prevalent species of fruit bats are Flying Foxes. As for sight, megabats have a broad visual cortex, allowing them enhanced visual acuity. They have really large eyes that look similar to a human! They also have a great smell and do not use echolocation. They also have furry bellies, big ears, and dog-like facial structures.

Another interesting fact about megas is its ability to control and maintain their body temperature. This eliminates their need to hibernate during the winter and cold seasons. They like to live in large colonies and groups, often times with different species, in the upper canopies of forests and woodlands. They are very nomadic and can travel great distances at night while foraging for food.


Microbats, or Microchiroptera, are quite different from megas. They are more solitary, living in smaller colonies of the same species. Although not blind like the myths claim, they do echolocation, a sonar-like ability, to navigate in the dark and hunt for food.